Legal Education, Ethics and Professionalism (LEAP)
Last Thursday (25/06), Faculty of Law UNAIR held another talk regarding the current pandemic of COVID-19. Previously, the Faculty of Law under the OKP-NUFFIC Program 2019-2021 had held online FGD on the legal ethics in the law school curriculum. The latest talk fiddled with similar topic, focusing mainly on the digital learning of legal education and the challenges of such learning method.
Chaired by Nilam Andalia Kurniasari, who currently is a Teaching Innovation and E-Learning Coordinator at Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga, the talk invited Dr. Maartje De Visser from Singapore Management University, Dr S.J.F.J Claessens from Maastricht University, Netherland and Dean of the Faculty of Law UNAIR, Nurul Barizah, Ph.D.
One of the this talk was the first from the Legal Education Talk series held as a collaboration between Faculty of Law UNAIR and the Maastricht University Faculty of Law. The collaboration itself was arranged within the framework of Legal Education, Ethics and Professionalism (LEAP) program which was included in the Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) scheme with five faculties of law in Indonesia: Universitas Mulawarman, Universitas Haluoleo, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Universitas Nusa Cendana and Universitas Borneo Tarakan.